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The works represented in this gallery are from the estate of the late Peter McLaughlin, a well-known Denver businessman and philanthropist with a passion for collecting.
About The Artists:
Frank Ettenberg
Frank Ettenberg
Santa Fe, NM, United States
Frank Ettenberg has been involved with art since 1960. That year he decided to become an artist. Nothing has dissuaded him since then. From that beginning, Frank’s been been drawn to
seeing what he can do with non-objective picturemaking. Part of his journey is to be seen here. Imagination has much to do with it, also a love of contrast, and efficient, ingenious, &
sometimes intese working process. Inspired and engaging, this sort of process is sought after, no matter where it might be seen.


New York University – 1960 – Scholarship Painting class with Robert Kaupelis, New York University-University of Michigan, B.S. in Design, 1966-University of New Mexico, M.A. in Painting,
1971. Study with Earl Jacobs, Jr, Alvin Loving, and John Kacere at the University of New Mexico


Frank Ettenberg & Jeff Uffelman-A DOUBLE EXPOSURE
13 September 2013, Kristin Johnson Fine Art, Santa Fe, NM 87501 USA


Detroit Institute of Art, Michigan Artists Annual, 1965
Roswell Museum of Art, January, 1972, One-Person Show
Artium Orbis Gallery, Santa Fe, June, 1972
Harris Gallery, Houston Texas, 1982
Wright Gallery, Dallas, Texas, 1984, 1985
‘Art of Albuquerque, Albuquerque Museum of Contemporary Art, Autumn 2010 Less